Sinapse Print Simulators
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Training Technology ROI Calculation

This is a quick illustration of ROI (Return on Investment) calculation for training, and for training with simulators. The information was gathered from clients at our simulator user meetings.

By specifying a few values concerning your production, this spreadsheet will let you see your “payback” time for investing in simulator-based training.

The costs and savings shown here are very useful when you are building your
budgets for training programs.


  You fill in the information for cells this color

  Automatic Calculations show in the cells of this color
  ROI shows up in the cell this color


Employee information
Number of employees:
Number of hours per week per emp:
Number of weeks worked per emp/year
Avg number of employees per press crew
Employee Internal Labor Rate ($/Hour)
Trainer/Supervisor Information
Trainer Labor Cost /Hour
Production information
Production Cost Press Cost/Hour (including crew)
  Average Production Speed : feet/minutes
  Web width (feet)
  Materials Cost : per sqft
Preventable error costs
Number of prevented errors per employee/week
Time for error repairs: (in hours)
Lost labor hours per employee/week
Lost Labor hours per employee/year
Lost Labor - all employees/year
Lost Production Time (per crew)
Cost of lost Production Time
(Lost Labor - all Employees/year) x (Press Cost/Hour)
Cost of lost Materials ($/Error) Materials Cost
Lost Labor&Production costs per employee / year ($)
Lost material costs per employee ($)
Total cost of errors per employee
Corporate Labor & Production savings through error prevention ($)
Corporate material savings through error prevention ($)
  Total savings